



Current PhDs students/alunos de doutorado

Past PhD students
Thesis can be downloaded from IMPA’s server
Student, graduation year [thesis related papers]      

Juan Carlos Muñoz Grajales,  2002 [16,19,21].
Thesis:  Dispersive Wave Attenuation and Refocusing due to Disordered Orographic Forcing

Daniel G. Alfaro Vigo, 2004 [17,28].
Thesis:  Time-reversed acoustics in a randomly changing medium

William Artiles Roqueta, 2004 [13,14].
Thesis: Modeling non-linear waves through the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator.

Júlia S. Wrobel, 2005 [27]. co-advisor: Prof. Dan Marchesin/IMPA.
Thesis: Loss of injectivity in stratified reservoirs (in Portuguese).

Ailín F. Ruiz de Zárate, 2007 [29,30].
Thesis: A reduced model for internal waves interacting with submarine structures at intermediate depth.

Ana Maria S. Luz, 2009 [33].
Thesis:  Wavetrain stability over a  highly variable bathymetry (in Portuguese).

Vanessa da Silva Simões, 2013 [34,38].
Thesis: Solitary waves in channels with abrupt turns and branching points.

Roberto Ribeiro S. Junior, 2014 [36,40,41]. co-advisor: Prof. P. Milewski/Univ. Bath, UK. Thesis: 
Thesis: Particle trajectories generated by periodic waves with vorticity (in Portuguese).

David E. Andrade-Perez, 2016 [42,43].
Thesis:  Modeling of three dimensional waves over topography.

Carlos A. Galeano-Ríos, 2016 [37] co-advisor: Prof. P. Milewski/Univ. Bath, UK..
Thesis: Hydrodynamic Pilot-waves: Analytical modeling approaches to the interaction of
drops and surface waves.

Marcelo Flamarion, 2018 co-advisor: Prof. P. Milewski/Univ. Bath, UK..
Thesis: Wave models due to current-topography interaction.


MSc students/Alunos de mestrado @IMPA      

José Koiller                         ==> PhD at the Courant Institute.
Leonardo X. Espín Estevez   ==> PhD at Math. Dept./NJIT (New Jersey).
Ailín F. Ruiz de Zárate         ==> PhD IMPA.
Juliana Faus da Silva Dias    ==> PhD at the Courant Institute/CAOS program.         
Dalia Mellisa Bonilla            ==> PhD IMPA (Computer  Graphics)
Vanessa da Silva Simões      ==> PhD IMPA.
Carlos E. Sauer                    ==> PhD at Math. Dept./MIT.
Rafael A. Monteiro da Silva ==> PhD at Math. Dept./Indiana Univ. at Bloomington.
Carlos Galeano Ríos            ==> PhD IMPA.
Mauricio J. Poletti Merlo      ==> PhD IMPA  (Dynamical Systems).
Inocencio E. Ortiz Samudio  ==> PhD IMPA  (Symplectic Geometry).
Stevens Paz                         ==> PhD at Math. Inst. at USP/São Carlos, Brazil.